How Long is Schooling for a Pharmacy Tech: Your 2023 Guide

how long is schooling for a pharmacy tech

Deciding on a career path is a momentous choice, and if you’re considering becoming a pharmacy tech, you’re likely wondering: “How long is schooling for a pharmacy tech?” This article aims to be your ultimate resource for answering this question and more. We will dive into the details of educational requirements, types of programs, costs, and everything else you need to know to kickstart your career in this field.

How Long is Schooling for a Pharmacy Tech

When contemplating a career as a pharmacy tech, one of the first questions that comes to mind is about the length of schooling required. The duration varies depending on the path you choose, but generally speaking, it could be anywhere from six months to two years. Various types of programs are available, including certificate programs, diploma courses, and associate degrees. The right choice depends on your career goals and timeline.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Program

It’s not just about the time; it’s also about the quality of the education you’re receiving. With numerous options available, it’s crucial to select a program that not only fits into your life schedule but also prepares you adequately for the challenges of the job.

Accredited Vs Non-Accredited Programs

Enrolling in an accredited program can make a significant difference in your job opportunities. Accredited programs have been reviewed and approved by relevant educational bodies, ensuring you’re learning industry-relevant skills.

Online Vs In-Person Training

The convenience of online learning has made it a popular choice. However, consider the benefits of hands-on experience that in-person training offers, particularly in a field that demands practical skills.

Costs Involved in Pharmacy Tech Schooling

Education is an investment, and it’s important to understand the financial aspects of becoming a pharmacy tech.

Costs Involved in Pharmacy Tech Schooling

Tuition Fees

Tuition can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the type of program and institution.

Additional Costs

Apart from tuition, there are additional costs like textbooks, lab fees, and exam fees that you should budget for.

Licensing and Certification

After completing your schooling, the next step is getting licensed or certified.

The Role of PTCB

The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) is the leading certifying organization. Understanding their requirements can give you a head start in your preparations.

State-Specific Regulations

Each state has its own regulations regarding pharmacy tech certification. It’s imperative to familiarize yourself with your state’s specific requirements.

Career Path and Advancements

Understanding the career path can give you a better idea of what to expect after your schooling is complete.

Entry-Level Positions

Most pharmacy techs start in entry-level positions and gain experience over time.

Opportunities for Advancement

With additional certifications and experience, you could move up to supervisory roles or specialized positions.

Average Salaries and Job Market

Knowing the earning potential can also be a deciding factor.

Salaries by State

Salaries can vary widely by state, influenced by factors such as cost of living and demand for pharmacy techs.

Job Market Trends

The healthcare sector is growing, and the demand for pharmacy techs is expected to follow suit.


What kind of background do I need to enroll in a pharmacy tech program?

Most programs require a high school diploma or GED.

Do I need a certification to work as a pharmacy tech?

While not always mandatory, a certification can provide better job opportunities.

What is the job outlook for pharmacy techs?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook is favorable with a growth rate of around 4% expected in the next decade.

Is financial aid available for pharmacy tech programs?

Yes, many programs offer financial aid, scholarships, or payment plans.

Can I work while attending a pharmacy tech program?

Yes, many programs offer flexible schedules or part-time options.

Are online pharmacy tech programs credible?

Yes, but make sure to choose an accredited program for the best career prospects.


Becoming a pharmacy tech is a commitment of time, effort, and financial resources. However, the rewards a fulfilling career in a growing field—are well worth it. Start by choosing the right educational path, understanding your state’s regulations, and looking ahead to the myriad opportunities for growth and advancement in this dynamic field.